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Not supported: URL editing

Bulk URL, email and phone number editing are not supported.

The limitation

Find and Replace by Easy Apps only changes the text of the URL. It does not change the underlying URL itself.


Take If use Find and Replace by Easy Apps to change ‘adidas’ to ‘nike’ the hyperlink displays as But click on the URL and you will see that it still directs the users to

Why is this a limitation

Confluence treats the text name of the URL and the underlying URL separately. We cannot change this behavior.


To bulk edit URLs, emails and phone numbers download our app Space Content Manager from the Atlassian Marketplace and use the 'Link manager’ tab.

Learn more about link manager and how it allows you to bulk edit URLs, emails and phone numbers.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.