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How to use Redirection by Easy Apps for Confluence

Get the app

You first must have the app installed. Ask your Confluence administrator to install Redirection by Easy Apps.

Open via More actions

more actions.png

Open the More actions menu in either published or view mode. Select Redirection.

Do not use the macro. It worked via a macro in the previous version. Now it is only possible to create or edit a redirection via More actions.

How to create a new redirect or edit an existing redirect

Enable/disable redirect

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.15.30.png

The redirect is enabled by default.

Choose destination type

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.15.42.png

Choose where to redirect to

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.16.01.png

As you type pages will be suggested.

Decide if you want to remove the deny option

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.19.27.png

The default is disabled. If you move it to enable the option to deny the redirect and stay on the page will be removed.

Note: this makes it more difficult to get to edit mode.

Option to customize message

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You have the option to customize the message that the user sees when he/she arrives on the page.

Note: you cannot use HTML in the text itself. You must use the WYSIWYG editor to create headings, bold, italics, underline, monospace, bullet points or numbering.


Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.24.11.png

This is an exact preview. The above example uses the default message. If you customize the message it will show in the preview. If you disable the Deny option the button will be removed in the preview.


Click save when you are happy with the preview.

How to add or edit a redirect on an archived page

To edit an existing redirect or to add a new redirect you first need to restore the page. It is not possible to make any edits to a Confluence page while it is archived.

Restore page (unarchive page)

There are two ways to restore an archived item back to the content tree: 

  • directly from an archived item

  • from the archived pages list in the archive

Learn more:

Edit page

See above section How to create a new redirect or edit an existing redirect.

Archive page once again

When you have finished editing the redirect archive the page again.

How to delete a redirect

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.40.08.png

Clicking delete redirect will permanently erase the redirect in Confluence including all custom messages.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 23.42.13.png

If you might use the redirect later a better option is to disable the redirect in Step 1. The redirect will not show for any users, but all the setting including custom message will remain. Then all you would need to do is enable the redirect.

How to get to edit mode when deny button is disabled

There is no clear way to get to edit mode if the deny button has been disabled.

Here is the workaround:

Click anywhere on the page outside of the redirect popup. Then click the esc button on your keyboard.

What happens if page is using legacy editor

If the page you want to place the redirect on is using the legacy editor when you save the redirect it will automatically update the page to the new editor. You cannot add a redirect and keep the page on the legacy editor.

If you have an app installed that impacts your page and it does not fully support the new editor it is possible that this could impact a feature or formatting. This is unusual but possible.

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