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How to use Label Manager by Easy Apps

Select pages to search

Pages I select

The default is to select individual pages:

apply to default label manager.png

Choose one or multiple pages by searching the page name:

select pages to change typing label manager.png

Child pages

The other option is selecting child pages.

Note: includes parent page:

apply to child pages label manager.png

Choose one or more parent pages to make changes to all the related child pages:

select parent page typing label manager.png

About selecting pages to search

  • only searches pages in the space you are in

    • to search in a different space open Space Content Manager in that space

  • you must have permission to at least view the page

  • child pages

    • only parent pages that have children can be searched

Add labels

Adding labels is the default:

what to do add label manager.png

Search to find an existing label and/or create a new label by typing the name of the new label and clicking enter/return:

label to change typing label manager.png

A new label is not created until it has been added to at least one page and Submit is clicked.

Delete labels

what to do delete label manager.png

Start typing or select from the drop-down the label you want to delete. You have the option to delete multiple labels as the same time:

Preview and save

Click preview:

preview button.png

An example of a result:

To understand what each highlight color means see the section below what label colors mean.

When you are happy with the preview click:

A confirmation of the results follows:

Merge or rename (space admins only)

Only space administrators see the button More actions.

Option 1: click More actions

more actions label manager by Easy Apps.png

Option 2: Space settings → Integrations → Label Manager

How to merge labels

Merge is the default choose. You must select at least two ‘Labels to merge’. Then select one ‘Merge label to’:

To create a new label to ‘Rename labels to’ type in the name of the new label, then click enter/return:

How to rename a label

Choose the second option ‘Rename label’. Then choose a ‘Label to rename’ from the drop-down. To rename to an existing label a label in the drop-down under ‘Rename label to’:

To create a new label to ‘Rename labels to’ type in the name of the new label, then click enter/return:

How to delete labels

Choose the third option ‘Delete label’:

You can choose one label or multiple labels to delete at once.

Preview and finalize

Click preview:

preview button.png

The overview pages tells you how many pages will be impacted by the change:

To exclude pages, check ‘Enable page selection’ below the preview button. It opens a more detailed preview.

check Enable page selection.png

Unselect pages

You have the option to unselect pages from being changed:

To understand what each highlight color means see the section below what label colors mean.


Click ‘Run’ when ready to make the change:

Run button.png

A confirmation of the results follows:

confirmation label manager by Easy Apps.png

What label colors mean

The color of each label tells you what will happen if you click “Run” and choose to make the changes:

Grey = no change

grey highlight.png

Green = will be added

green highlight.png

Red = will be deleted

Group 9007.png

Yellow = will be changed if merge or rename

yellow highlight.png

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