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How to format Confluence links: URLs, emails, phone numbers


  • each URL must start with 'http://' or 'https://'.


Confluence supports advanced mailto: link formatting to prepopulate an email when the link is clicked. The email is normally created in the desktop client as it is the default on most computers.

  • must start with 'mailto:' followed by the email

    • e.g.

Multiple emails

When a user clicks on the link it prepopulates the To field with multiple emails.


CC and/or BCC

To add CC and BCC to your email, use the cc or bcc parameter.

  •,, &

Subject line

Include a prepopulated subject line.

  • line text

Body text

Include a prepopulated body text.

  • text

Combine parameters

  •,, & from our Website&body=Some body text here

Phone numbers

tel: format is not fully supported. The '+' for international calling does not work. Hover over and click on ‘tel:+’ and you will see that it is invalid.

A number only works for callers from within the same country and if the number is written in the URL exactly as if dialing within the country. Links starting with ‘tel:’ can only have numbers. Example in North America ‘tel:2025557777'.

The only way to use 'tel:+' is to get an HTML macro app from the Atlassian Marketplace so that you can use HTML on the page. Here is an example as to what you could add inside such a macro to make the phone number usable for users in any country:

<a href="tel:+441234567890“>Call us</a>

Atlassian does not have short term plans to fully support the tel: standard (see closed feature request).

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