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Release notes: Space Content Manager for Confluence

8.4.0: March 25th 2024


New app name


The new help tab with links to app documentation, support page and email contact was added to the app settings as well.

App name changed to Space Content Manager.

8.3.0: March 1st 2024


New help tab


A help tab was introduced with links to app documentation, support page and email contact.

Bug fixes:

  • Only one label could be selected in label manager selection

  • Changes to body preview were not displayed when searching in title and body

8.2.0: February 3rd 2024

Small text change.

8.1.0: February 3rd 2024


Label manager bug fix - space labels not loading completely


Bug fixed

  • list of labels in a space in the label manager was truncated at 200

  • spaces with more than 200 labels, only the first 200 were loaded and could be selected

8.0.0: January 25th 2024


New label manager features and bug fixes


New label manager features:

  • Remove labels

  • In space settings: merge, rename or remove labels in an entire space

Added edit permission check:

  • If a user tries to select a page to edit when they only have view permission, the user gets an alert that they are not allowed to change the page, but they are able to see the page in search results

Bug fixes:

  • Bug fixed that searching of pages was limited to 200 pages even if the space has more pages

  • Bug fixed that search didn't work correctly for spaces with 10 or less pages

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: read:confluence-content.summary, read:confluence-content.permission

7.3.0: December 15th 2023


Bug fix on page selection


Bug fixed that pages couldn't be found in the search in spaces with a certain number of pages.

7.2.0: December 1st 2023


Bulk link editing, dark mode


New features:

  1. Find and replace in links

Spaces admins can now:

  • find and replace across all links within a space

  • modify the display properties in bulk or individually links (display URL <--> display inline)

  1. Link Manager

Change Link Display is now called Link Manager

New features:

  • overview of all pages in your space that contain links

  • inline editing so you can modify links directly within the list

  • change link display from display URL <--> display inline (bulk or individually)

  1. Dark mode

Space Content Manager (formerly Easy Toolbox) now supports dark mode. The app's interface will automatically adapt to your chosen theme.


  • find and replace in URLs to global permission settings

  • security check before saving app settings

  • hide space settings module for non space admins via display condition

Required scopes changed

  • removed: read:me

7.1.0: November 23rd 2023


Bulk link editing, dark mode


New features:

1. Find and replace in links

Spaces admins can now:

  • find and replace across all links within a space

  • modify the display properties in bulk or individually links (display URL <--> display inline)

2. Link Manager

Change Link Display is now called Link Manager

New features:

  • overview of all pages in your space that contain links

  • inline editing so you can modify links directly within the list

  • change link display from display URL <--> display inline (bulk or individually)

3. Dark mode

Space Content Manager (formerly Easy Toolbox) now supports dark mode. The app's interface will automatically adapt to your chosen theme.

Required scopes changed

  • removed: read:me

7.0.0: August 24th 2023


New permissions settings to enable/disable any feature by space, group or user


System administrators can now also enable/disable any feature by space, group or user

  • per space (e.g. in space ‘Security’ only system admins can use Label Manager)

  • per user group (e.g. in space ‘Documentation’ only space admins can use Link Manager)

  • per individual user (e.g. in space 'Team' Cindy Azad cannot use Page title prefix/Suffix)

  • globally (e.g. disable Find and Replace across the instance)

Performance improvements

  • Preloading of all pages for large spaces removed

  • App loads immediately no matter how many pages the space has

  • Faster page search in large spaces

UI improvements

  • Improved visibility of search and preview buttons

  • Minor text changes to improve clarity and flow

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: read:confluence-user, read:space:confluence, read:group:confluence

6.2.0: March 21st 2023


  • No timeouts no matter how many pages in a spaces

  • No error when title or body to be changed contains quotation marks


  • Disable/enable each app feature in Confluence system administration

  • Check box below search to match case of search term (optional)

  • Include parent pages when select all child pages (optional)

  • Progress bar after click Find

  • Preview instantly updates when edit replace term, title prefix/suffix or labels to add

  • UI updates to improve clarity and flow

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: search:confluence, storage:app

6.1.0: March 17th 2023


  • No timeouts no matter how many pages in a spaces


  • Disable/enable each app feature in Confluence system administration

  • Check box below search to match case of search term (optional)

  • Include parent pages when select all child pages (optional)

  • Progress bar after click Find

  • Preview instantly updates when edit replace term, title prefix/suffix or labels to add

  • UI updates to improve clarity and flow

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: search:confluence, storage:app

6.0.0: March 17th 2023


  • No timeouts no matter how many pages in a spaces


  • Disable/enable each app feature in Confluence system administration

  • Check box below search to match case of search term (optional)

  • Include parent pages when select all child pages (optional)

  • Progress bar after click Find

  • Preview instantly updates when edit replace term, title prefix/suffix or label(s) to add

  • UI updates to improve clarity and flow

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: search:confluence, storage:app

5.2.0: September 20th 2022

App logo and name updated.

5.1.0: April 15th 2022

Bug fixed that app fails to load when trying to edit page body which is stored with old editor. Body modifications now only work with the new editor. Pages stored with the old editor are skipped and won't be updated by the app.

5.0.0: March 17th 2022

  • Bug fixed that some pages haven't been loaded for large spaces. All pages can now be selected for spaces with up to 2000 pages.

  • Permission scopes updated to align with new forge permission scopes.

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: read:content.metadata:confluence, read:content-details:confluence, write:label:confluence, read:label:confluence, write:content:confluence

  • Removed: read:confluence-content.all, read:confluence-content.summary, write:confluence-content

4.3.0: January 30th 2022

Bug fixed that find and replace didn't work correctly when text contains special characters.

4.2.0: January 28th 2022

You can now check what will be changed by the find and replace tool on a preview. The preview lists all pages that will be changed and shows how the changed text will look like. Then you can decide whether you really want to execute the changes or go back and refine your settings.

4.1.0: January 16th 2022

Bug fixed that not all pages were selectable in spaces with a high number of pages.

3.0.0: October 19th 2021

  • Bug fixed that find and replace didn't work correctly for headlines on pages

  • New feature: Beside find and replace, you can now convert text to upper case, lower case, or title case

  • New feature: Change display of all links on page(s) either to url or inline

2.4.0: October 11th 2021

Initial release

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