Getting started: Label Manager for Confluence
What you can do with Label Manger
All users can:
add labels or delete labels
System and space administrators can also:
merge, rename or replace labels
Where to access the app once installed
In the left side menu of every Confluence page you can access Label Manager under apps.
All users
All users can add or delete labels:
Admins only
System administrators and space administrators can also merge or rename labels.
Access admin only features
Option 1: within the app
Click the More actions button in the top section of the app (only system and space administrators see this button).
Option 2: via space settings
Open space settings:
Under integrations select Label Manager:
One time required step by a system administrator
A system administrator needs to Allow access after installing the app.
This pop-up will appear when they go to Label Manager by Easy Apps for the first time:
When major updates to the app are made a system administrator may have to do this again. It is not often and only ever after a system administrator manually updates the app under Manage Apps.
Installing the app
Only a system administrator can install apps (sometimes called an add-on or plugin).
Install via the web
Go to the Atlassian Marketplace listing for Label Manager by Easy Apps.
Install within Confluence
In header menu Apps → Find new apps.