How to find and replace across a space
What you can do
find and replace text
find and delete text
convert to UPPER or lower case
large instances (thousands of pages)
most special characters like &, %, $, #
languages not using the Latin alphabet
Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Hindi and more
How to find and replace
Step 1: select pages to search
Option 1: entire space
This is the default and searches all pages in the space you are in.
Option 2: choose child pages
Search only child pages with an option to include the parent pages. Only pages with child pages will appear in the search as you type.
Option 3: select pages
Select specific pages to search.
About selecting pages to search
only searches pages in the space you are in
to search in a different space open Space Content Manager in that space
you must have permission to at least view the page
child pages
only parent pages that have children can be searched
Step 2: what to replace
Title and body is the default. Option to restrict search to only title or only body.
Step 3: replace or change case
Most of the time the default Replace is desired. But there are also options to convert to upper case or lower case.
Step 4: find and replace
Use as many terms as you wish.
most special characters like &, %, $, #
languages not using the Latin alphabet
Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Hindi and more
Tip: use match case if possible to restrict the results.
Replace text is case sensitive.
To delete terms, enter them in the Find field. Then leave the Replace field blank. Terms to be deleted displays in the preview with a strikethrough.
Changing URLs
It only changes the text of the URL. It does not change the underlying URL itself.
Example: if change ‘adidas’ to ‘nike’ the hyperlink displays as , but when a user clicks on it they are still directed to .
Step 5: preview and confirm
Click the Find button to preview the changes.
The Find button will change to a spinning icon as the app searches the pages. If your space has a large number of pages please be patient.
The proposed change is highlighted in yellow. Deselect pages you do not want to change.
If the Replace field is left blank the terms are deleted. They are displayed with a strikethrough.
Click replace
When happy with the preview click Replace.
icon in front of the page title means it has successfully changed.