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How to find and replace on an individual page

find and replace individual page overview.png

Open the app

On any page go to More actions → Find and Replace

open find and replace page level.png



Use as many terms as you wish.


  • most special characters like &, %, $, #

  • languages not using the Latin alphabet

    • Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Hindi and more

Tip: use match case if possible to restrict the results.



Replace text is case sensitive.


To delete terms, enter them in the Find field. Then leave the Replace field blank. Terms to be deleted displays in the preview with a strikethrough.

Replace or change case

Most of the time the default Replace is desired. But there are also options to convert to upper case or lower case.


Click the Find button to preview the changes.

Find button.png

The Find button will change to a spinning icon as the app searches the pages. If your space has a large number of pages please be patient.

The proposed change is highlighted in yellow. Deselect pages you do not want to change.

result to replace.png

If the Replace field is left blank the terms are deleted. They are displayed with a strikethrough.

result to delete individual page.png


When happy with the preview click Replace.

replace button.png
confirmation find and replace indiviudal page.png

Click on the blue hyperlinked text to reload the page or click reload in your browser.

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